
VIA Character Analysis

Decent Essays

My results from the VIA assessment really didn’t surprise me that much. I wholeheartedly concur with my top five traits: Honesty, Judgment, Humor, Love, and Bravery. I was raised in a household of integrity and loyalty. From my days in 4-H through the boy scouts, I’ve always had a list of values that impacted my life. For the last 20 years, the Army values have settled in as the code to live by. Making good decisions given any condition is a successful strength of mine. Using critical thinking skills learned through the DEL aides in examining issues from all sides, not jumping to conclusions and weighing all information fairly. Having the personal courage to change my mind when proven wrong is a characteristic I take with a …show more content…

Humor allows me the ability to connect with people, and break the introvert ice with people that aren’t open and willing to communicate. I love my family, my God, and my life. I respect people that share my same beliefs in life, reverence and treating people respect, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender and religion. The fifth top trait I exhibit is Bravery. This attribute has developed overtime, and the military really started me on this journey as a cadet at The Ohio State University. Bravery isn’t always standing in the face of danger, but many times, it is using personal courage to stand up for what is right. It is saying what needs said when it is not the popular thing to do. I elected to start and complete the DEL at this point in my career, as in four years, I can voluntarily retire from the U.S Army with 20 active federal service years. The DEL provides a foundation for learning and accelerates my transition into civilian life. My goal is to acquire into an executive civilian career that stimulates my talents and expands my earning potential. Internally, the DEL is the highest level education and an honor to complete. Externally, with the DEL, my ability to change national policy is …show more content…

It is linked to empathy which is important, because in order to understand a cohort member, you must respect them for who they are and why they are in the program. Richard J. Shavelson and Lisa Towne provided a framework to address any question that poses research. For a DEL student, I found these principles as a solid guideline or in the military, standing operating procedure to follow. As I embarked on a journey of research in leadership theory, these principles are a standard in which I will start (Shavelson and Towne, 2002, p. 52). The leader attribute of empathy is a skill that I feel I’ve grown proficient with and found enlightening as it was a central focus in the DEL. I feel empathy is unique to entrepreneurial success which is defined how a leader employs the meaning. Tim Brown defines empathy as leaders imagining the world from different perspectives. Citing college peers, clients, customers and end users, innovators examine people closely, and by doing this, automatically can empathize with cultures and their needs (Brown, 2008, p.

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