
Vaccination Pros Cons

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Vaccines have been a hugely debated topic since their first conception in the late 18th century. Many have questioned their effectiveness and have doubted the science behind them; they have become a topic of doubt and fear. Despite this, the science behind vaccines is there, open to the public. Others say they cause more problems than they remedy. We will need to analyze all the perspectives to get a full view of the pros and cons to making vaccinations mandatory. Should vaccines be a mandatory procedure in the United States, or should the system stay as it is, that is, people being able to opt out of vaccinations on religious, philosophical, and medical grounds? Before fully understanding the pros and cons on mandatory vaccination, we must …show more content…

Some vaccines use aborted fetal cells from unborn babies that were aborted. This is against the moral code of the majority of Christians, especially Catholics. The Catholic Church has publically denounced the use of such vaccines. Many Catholics simply decide to opt out of vaccinations on religious grounds simply because of this. Remember, when a parent decides to opt their children out of vaccination, they cannot pick and choose the vaccines they opt out of. A viable solution to the religious opt out would be to allow a choice of the vaccinations the person wants to opt out of, based on the specific vaccines that breach religious belief. If a Catholic chooses to opt out of a specific vaccine that contains aborted fetal cells, they should have the opportunity to do so. They should also not be denied the essential vaccines just because one vaccine breaches their moral …show more content…

There has been a long history of fear and doubt surrounding vaccination, especially whether or not it will become fully mandatory. Here in the United States of America, we have a semi-mandatory system of vaccination. The laws surrounding vaccination are handled on a state by state basis, and every single state offers the opportunity to opt out of vaccination. So, should vaccines be a mandatory procedure in the United States, or should the system stay as it is, that is, people being able to opt out of vaccinations on religious, philosophical, and medical grounds? Vaccines should continue to be a semi-mandatory practice in the United States. Vaccination is part of the survival of the human race. More people in history have died from disease than any other factor. However, there are good reasons to not vaccinate. If it truly goes against ones moral code, or if there is a serious medical reason not to vaccinate, then vaccinating may not be for that

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