
Vandalism Vs Graffiti

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Art comes in different types of styles and forms. However, its evaluation has become problematic since the turn of the twentieth century with a new controversial art form of graffiti becoming popular by many artists. On two sides of the spectrum, works of art that are produced by graffiti artists demonstrate a broad spectrum of personal and cultural expressions through past experiences of economics and social policies set by the state. Throughout this paper, I will look at three areas of whether increases graffiti is related to the city policies. First is the social relation of inequality and power within the urban cities as a whole. Second is the current policies implemented in St. Catharines, Ontario and whether they are decreases the amount of graffiti seen on the street or not. Finally, is the approach I would like personal take within the city of St. Catharines and the policies that I would implement to decrease case of graffiti on private business property.
Social Relations of Inequality and Power in Cities
With the origin of graffiti dating all the way back to ancient civilization in Ancient Romans and Greece, we can see that in the past graffiti was used as a form communicating their names on buildings. Graffiti defined by Oxford is writing, or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place (Oxford 2017). Many institutions looked at graffiti as being vandalism due to the definition that graffiti is with as being

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