
Why I Want To Become A Veterinarian

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I choose for my careers are to become a veterinarian and become a youth minister. The main reasons I choose to become a veterinarian because, there are many problems with animals that people don’t deal with. I believe it has become a problem in society and our world. Many animals aren’t taken care of properly for multiple reasons. I would like to change those many reasons and have my own clinic where it is possible for animals to get help. I also choose as my secondary career is to become a youth pastor. I choose this because, my own youth pastor inspired me to what it is like to help out our younger generations in ways many don’t know how to fix.
Becoming a veterinarian means that students have to learn many ways to cure and treat different …show more content…

Students need; biology, chemistry, and physics, all mathematics from algebra 1 to college algebra or trigonometry are all need in high school. Some colleges like Pennsylvania University and K-State provide classes as; Chemistry, Organic chemistry, Biology, Physics 1 and 2, zoology, microbiology, etc. (veterinarian and biomedical sciences). The High School GPA needed is 3.5 or higher, and you need animal and clinical experience, leadership and communication skills (college of veterinarian medicine ) . Those are all the required qualifications to become a veterinarian through …show more content…

There are thousands of different organizations for pastoral and cultural that adds other degrees into it, as Fine Arts, Language, Veterinarian, etc. there are Organizations as Mission Year who people can go across the world for $275 per person for a weekly visit (mission year). Orphans for Christ, Habitat for Humanity and TEAM are a few of thousand organizations that have weekly and yearly.
Students are able to help people and animals in these organizations at once and learn and understand other people’s way of living from across the globe. Most churches the pastor teaches the most and with an organization you can preach and teach and be able to still learn and understand. Students will never truly stop learning through their whole life.
These are the reasons I want to become a Veterinarian and a pastor in Ministry. I can travel with ministry organizations and treat animals at once, which I believe will help people the most in this world. I will always learn something which makes me a better person. I will be at school for 9 years yet I will never stop learning and never stop growing into something great. Yet instead I could just become president, but that seems like too much work and I like animals

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