
Views Of Marriage

Decent Essays

Tommy Nguyen
Period 6

In Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Hurston, a former slave named Nanny perception of a classic marriage is if the marriage provides security, protection, and wealth. Other people view marriage in a different perspective such as class or race, or maybe even to break their insecurity of being alone. To Nanny's personal view of marriage, being safe and well fed is enough for a wife to live. Nanny's perspective of marriage was deprived from the harsh living conditions during her time as a slave. She now has this thought that race isn't an issue, and that class is the only security a women can receive from a spouse. As a former slave, Nanny's ideal view of marriage is influenced by her race. Back when …show more content…

Nanny then believes that Janie is too young to realize the truth about society. As a slave near the end of the Civil War, Nanny gave birth to a white master's child, whom became Janie's mother. As soon as the wife of the white master found out that the baby wasn't hers, she became jealous and gave Nanny a hundred lashes and forces her to watch her baby being sold off at just one month old. Nanny feeling isolated and betrayed, eventually escaped with her baby. The horrid experience informed Nanny that love cannot always be trusted and that love cannot play as a just a role in marriage. This is complete opposite of what Janie seems to be seeing. Janie sees marriage as what bares to be only true love. Nanny of course has much more experience in life than Janie as she is older than Janie. Nanny probably have already have felt the same way about love when she was Janie's age, but her experience tells her love doesn't mean …show more content…

Nanny sees that Janie has a chance of fulfilling the life that she had dreamt of, and this dream of hers does not include a man like Johnny Taylor. For once she was a slave, Nanny made sure nothing more than dreams was transfer to her daughter Leafy. She soon lost her hope for Leafy as Leafy was raped by the schoolteacher at age 17. Leafy was a huge disappointment when she left her kid Janie and her mother. Even though Nanny had a chance of getting married, she instead wanted to devote her life into Janie and help Janie into marrying a man with great class, power, and protection. Nanny has chose a much older man named Logan Killicks, someone who can provide Janie the protection and wealth she needs. Nanny knows Janie has to be taken care by someone else, and it's not someone like Johnny Taylor, which can give nothing to

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