
Violence in the Catcher in the Rye Essay

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Violence in the Catcher in the Rye

Often, simple physical conflicts are used to develop characters and to increase the suspense and action between them. In J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield the 16-year-old narrator and protagonist claims to be a pacifist. Holden views the world as an evil and corrupt place where there is no peace. As a sincere person living amongst phonies, he views others as completely immoral and unscrupulous. In the novel violence is used to further develop Holden's character. This is shown through his physical conflict with Stradlater, his conflict with Maurice, and the suicide of James Castle.
In his conflict with Stradlater, …show more content…

He was unscrupulous.';(Salinger 40) Holden acknowledges Jane's purity and wishes not to have to think otherwise with Stradlater. Holden feels the responsibility to defend the pure and the innocent. Besides his conflict with Stradlater, he is also involved in a physical battle with Maurice.
Holden's conflict with Maurice demonstrates his sincerity and his hatred in the evilness of the phony. Primarily, Holden is vigorously pushed to protect himself from Maurice. Holden arranges to spend time with Sunny a prostitute, and later is forced to pay double the agreed amount by Maurice, the hotel elevator operator. Maurice demands, 'Want your parents to know you spent the night with a whore? High-class kid like you?' He was pretty sharp, in his crumby way. He really was. 'Leave me alone. If you'd said ten, it'd be different. But you distinctly.';(Salinger 102) Holden is struggling to secure himself, by attempting to end the fight. Secondly, the evilness of the phony is shown during his conflict with Maurice. Holden cries, 'All of a sudden I started to cry. I'd give anything if I hadn't, but I did. 'No, you're no crooks,' I said. 'You're just steeling five' 'Shut up,' old Maurice said and gave me a shove.';(Salinger 103) The evil scenery causes Holden to, uncontrollably break down in tears. Holden's hatred of the phony is grown, as well as the protecting of the innocence. In addition to his physical conflicts with

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