
Virtue Ethics And Care Ethics

Decent Essays

As various ethical theories continue to be debated, it can be difficult to determine which model provides the best criteria. However, two theories in particular—virtue ethics and care ethics, have continued to catch much attention since the mid-twentieth century. Although each of these theories are often associated with one another, they both contain their own distinct philosophies. As a result, it is important to clearly understand what each theory entails before concluding that one is derived from the other. Although virtue ethics and care ethics share similar beliefs and rejections, virtue ethics is clearly separate from care ethics. Virtue ethics, tracing its roots back to the Middle Ages, stresses the importance of an individual being virtuous, which comes from developing a virtuous personal character. It also allows for the possibility of many right choices, since virtuous people can make choices differently. Aristotle was the only person to come up with a “clear-cut” virtue theory. He believed that people should be virtuous in order to achieve happiness, or eudaimonia. Additionally, Aristotle found that in order to become virtuous, a person must know the right thing, intend the right thing, and have their actions stem from their established character. He also came up with term “golden mean”, which seeks to achieve a balance in one’s virtues. For instance, Aristotle felt that one should find a balance of anger. When seeking a balance of anger, it is

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