
Vladimir Lenin Research Paper

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Steven Copenhaver #42
SS P.3

Death Power Death | Vladimir Lenin
Rising up from an average existence in middle class Russia Vladimir lenin became the most powerful man in all of his nation, and ultimately died starting a downfall of his beloved country.
Vladimir Lenin was able to control the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution because of his use of propaganda, this put Russian on the path of totalitarian communism and millions dead.
Vladimir Lenin was brought into this world on April 22, 1870 in Simbirsk, Russia. (Frame) Vladimir grew up in a normal middle class Russian household. Nothing was extraordinary about the family. Vladimirs grandfather was thought to be either from Germany or of Jewish descent. When Vladimir was growing …show more content…

The Bolshevik were a Russian faction group that became the Communist party. Lenin was in Western Europe from 1903 to 1917 as an émigré and built up a Bolshevik group in Russia. (Vladimir) This shows that with wit and brains anyone can attract a large following and use them to support your radical Marxist communist ideals. One of Lenin's favorite thing to do in Western Europe was read all the text. With his background in literature he loved reading foreign books. This helped him gain the knowledge he needed to become a successful leader. When Lenin couldn’t pull together the Bolsheviks in 1917, Lenin escaped to Finland. When there he tried to control Bolshevik politics, he encouraged the Central Committee to do something about the nations state. (Vladimir) With this kind of strength to endure through the hardest of times Vladimir shows us his true capability’s to endure throughout failure. Already he is becoming quite a successful leader and an authority …show more content…

Nothing was extraordinary about the family. With a little luck and a lot of devotion he became something bigger than himself. Creating a nation from a crazy dude’s essay on a perfect world would have been hard by itself, but Vladimir turned it into power and strength. Back from childhood His older brother influenced him to become something greater and Western Europe challenged and helped him to grow politically, and propaganda help him achieve his spot as a leader of Russia. Vladimir owes everything in his life to his older brother, his power, his legacy, and his goals. The irony is that Vladimirs older brother died at the hand of the leader of Russia and so did Vladimir. One was with steel and one was with strokes. Started by death and ended by death. Death Power Death, Vladimir

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