
W. B Yeats Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

W.B. Yeats's career started with a heavy influence of Ireland’s very own mythology and folklore. Although, not only Ireland’s mythological culture influenced Yeats's work, personal influences stuck as well. "A potent influence on his poetry was the Irish revolutionary Maud Gonne, whom he met in 1889, a woman equally famous for her passionate nationalist politics and her beauty." (Poets: W.B. Yeats) Lasting as a strong personage in Yeats' verse, Maud Gonne’s appearance was not forgotten. Receiving a proper introduction to some of the poetic greats, Yeats's father showed him the works of Dante Alighieri, William Shakespeare, John Donne, William Blake, and Percy Byshe Shelley to find his own emerging creativity. "notwithstanding, poets of the

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