
Wal-Mart Ethical Issue Paper

Better Essays


Ethical Issue in Business (Wal-Mart’s Ethical Controversy)

Michael J. Charley, Deniqua Jackson, Beatina Marshall, Tom Pletzke

University of Phoenix

Instructor: ROBERT OXLEY


Date: May 21, 2008

This paper will obtain information about a researched issue that deals with business ethics. The paper will include a summary of the Article and issue. This paper will also touch on the following topics, what seems to be the basis of the issue, what ethical change, deficiency, or conflict brought it about, and how did the organizational leadership come into play. The paper will conclude by proposing a plan for revising the ethical standards and …show more content…

Williams," said Tovar in his statement. However, Lowry says her supervisor made it seem like it was required. "It was phrased to me like it was part of the complaint process to tell Mona that I had filed a complaint," she says. "I didn't know I had a choice." “Today, Lowry feels "totally disheartened" by the way the ethics complaint was handled. She was just trying to do what was right. Now she hopes something good comes from the episode. "My experience was not what I perceived the ethics line or open-door policy to be, and I would think twice before going that route again," she says”(
Lowry had copied papers for her boss Mona Williams prior to hearing that Wal-Mart’s is planning a 15 billion dollar stock buy back and felt that maybe her boss has traded stock information. Although Lowry, discreetly had gone to the ethic department to inform them of her finding of information she thought was unethical. Upon doing so even though Lowry omits she did not know whether her boss had done anything wrong. Moreover, the ethics departments told Lowry that day they did not see any wrongdoing. Even though Lowry acted in good faith, “pointing out that their might have been some wrongdoing” However, her name is revealed by the Communication department and giving to Business Week and to her boss. In dispute, however, are the circumstances that led Lowry looking for a new job. Since the incident has asked

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