
Was Victory For The North Inevitable?

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Abby Keating
Was Victory for the North Inevitable?

Often, when one feels as though they have a better chance at succeeding than their opponent, the odds will flip, and that person will find that what they thought would be an easy win takes much more of an effort. In the American Civil War, the North went into battle with this mindset, later realizing that in order to keep the Union alive, they would have to put forth much more exertion than initially suspected. The Civil War began as a result of president Abraham Lincoln’s election, which then led to eleven Southern states seceding from the Union. Many Southern states were unsettled by Republican Lincoln’s plans for the future, fearing that they would lose the major institution that they depended so heavily on: slavery. The Confederates, feeling quite disgruntled with their unfavorable situation, fired first at Fort Sumter, North Carolina on April 12, 1861. The North was certain that this war would easily and quickly lead them to victory, due to their advantages in population, transportation, and industrial goods. Many Americans, both today and during the time the Civil War was commencing, also suspected that the Union had an easy path to victory; that their success was inevitable. But, the South, to much surprise, had many factors on their side to decrease the North’s chances of winning, as well as proving that their defeat was not always meant to be. The South’s defensive position in the American Civil War benefited

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