
Water On Mars

Decent Essays

In the article “Mars Shows Signs of Having Flowing Water, Possible Niches for Life, NASA Says” written by Kenneth Chang the central idea is that there is a probability of life on another planet other than Earth. The reason this article is important to us is because with these findings, researchers will be eager to follow up on the discovery so that we can find out if the probable signs of liquid water flowing mean that life could sustain on Mars. For many years scientists have been interested in knowing whether or not there is other life and if there has previously been life on other planets. With this discovery, we are getting closer to coming up with possible answers.
In the past year, researchers have found probable signs of liquid water flowing on Mars’ surface, such as waterlogged molecules, leading to the idea that Mars could possibly sustain life. Hydrated salt was seen through the orbital camera, this is significant because hydrated …show more content…

Or why do we care that there could have been life before us on another planet? The answer is simple, we know that water is essential to life, so water on Mars means life. Mars is the only planet that we have discovered with signs of water, which makes this an important discovery. Mars is also very close to Earth in the solar system, which makes this relevant to us. If we could find evidence of life on Mars it is possible that we could use findings to our benefit, we could use this as a reason to keep looking further into Mars. If the research of Mars continued, researchers could dig deep into the layers of Mars and possibly find even more clues all leading to the hopeful discovery that life does live or has lived on Mars. It is possible that one day in the future NASA will be able to send an astronaut to Mars. However, with everything stated above, there still needs to be more research done to find out if life could really sustain on

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