
Water Usage: A Study Guide

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Water Usage Q1. Briefly describe the complexity of international water use, using the Rhine River or the Aral Sea as an example. International law allows individual states the right to utilize rivers, lakes, and aquifers in an equitable and reasonable manner (Haftendorn, 2000, p.51). Of course, reasonable and equitable are open to interpretation and each sovereign nation has its own ideas about what is best, especially when other nations are adversely affected by that nation's actions. Conflicts can arise related to pollution, usage, or distribution of the water source. In the case of the Rhine, the major conflict involves pollution of the waterway. The Rhine flows through the most industrialized region in Europe and many upper-lying regions emit large amounts of chemical and heavy metals waste. Some lower-lying states, like the Netherlands, use the Rhine as a water source and must pay a disproportionate amount to clean the water before it is used for drinking or agriculture (Haftendorn, 2000, p.55). While the Aral Sea is beset by similar problems of pollution from the rivers that supply the sea with water, it also suffers from a lack of water reaching it. Much of the water these rivers provide is siphoned off to provide irrigation for farms in the region, causing the sea's surface area to plummet dramatically while the depth has dropped in the process (Vinogradov & Langford, 2001, p. 347). Q2. What is micro irrigation? How does it conserve water? Micro irrigation

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