
We Can, But Dare We?

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We Can, But Dare We? The rapid development of technology throughout modern society has initiated the widespread use of social networking. Social networking plays a positive role in healthcare when educating, communicating, or advertising. However, poor judgments have the power to turn this positive into negative and damage professional reputations. Griffith (2014) stresses the importance of understanding that protected health information is not a matter of open secrets. Whether a lawyer, doctor, nurse, or a secretary, it is important to avoid conditions that may influence the health and security of patients or clients, as well as their own professional reputation (Aylott, 2011). The Purpose of this paper is to explore the appropriate use of cell phones and social networking in healthcare and the importance of understanding the ethical boundaries between professional uses opposed to personal use. Scenario Conclusion Selected The nurse in this scenario missed the concert she was eager to go because she had to work. Instead of providing focused care for her ill patients, she was fixated on her friends, who texting her from the concert. After realizing her newly admitted patient turned out to be the lead singer in the concert she missed, she failed to listen to the patient status report and neglected providing the care he needed. The nurse violated the patient’s privacy by taking inappropriate pictures of him while he was unconscious. She spent her day off bragging on her

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