
Website Credibility Evaluation Essay

Decent Essays

Evaluation of Website Credibility Evaluation of Website Credibility is a website that offers information on a health related topics and wellness. This website has a domain of .org which means it is operated by an organization. The main purpose of this website is to provide families with information on health related topics and offer wellness information that will benefit all members of the family. This website was chosen based on the fact that many people have families. Anyone who is interested in any health topics and/or wellness can find this site by searching in various search engines, such as Google or yahoo, by typing into the search bar family health or whatever health …show more content…

Ease of Navigation Once on this site, there are headings labeled across the top that will aid in searching for what the site offers. For example, the diseases chosen are in alphabetical order and can be chosen using the first letter of the word. Another example is the headings are set for children, teens and elders. All of the information listed on this site can be printed and used as education or information. All advertisements on this site are clearly marked as advertisement and guidelines are set as to what the advertisements cannot contain. With all of this, browsing on this site is not difficult. Privacy and Security On this site is a simple explanation of the privacy policy with a link to a more extensive privacy policy from the organization that operates this website. It is clearly stated when, what and how personal information is collected and how it is used as well as how cookies are used. The American Academy of Family Physicians is clearly stated as the operator of this site with contact information and other pertinent information. Empirical Evidence Determining the credibility of a website starts with tools that can be used to evaluate the site. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) offers information defining how to evaluate websites credibility. Key factors such as; “Who runs and pays for the website, what the website’s purpose is, Where did the information on the site come from and how is

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