
Week Four Devotional: King Jesus

Decent Essays

NT2200-Week Four Devotional
(1Cor. 15:14; Php. 3:21; 1Cor. 15:50-56)
We must shed our imperfections, and don the perfections of our perfect King, King Jesus.
The term hypostatic union is a concept that has baffled many and convinced them of a religion that denounces the two natures in Jesus. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One, Son of Man (humanity), and Son of God (divinity) is the incarnated Christ, God in the flesh.
The invisible God made visible in the flesh. This concept has been so inconceivable to man that Apostle Paul explains in Php. 2:5 that one must think like God and the only way that can be done is one must have God, the Holy Spirit, living in him or her. Without the Holy Spirit, who teaches and reveals the deep things …show more content…

Believest thou this? (Joh. 11:25-26 KJV). And Martha’s response is the response that every person desiring eternal life must answer, “Yea, Lord, I believe thou art the Christ, the Son of God” (Vs. 27).
In our student guide, the last sentence on page 4 stated, “The choices we make today will affect our eternity. Paul knows this very well and reiterates it many times in his letters. The message of eternity was as important to Paul as it should be to us today. The gospel message of how one can receive the eternal promises of God must be preached and proclaimed with the same urgency, confidence, and authority that Paul heralded with two thousand years ago.
It is only by being clothed in the righteousness of Christ that one is made right with God and justified before God, just as if they never sinned before, that one can stand before a holy God and through the process of sanctification be transformed into the image of His Son. This process all begins when one accepts Christ as Lord and Savior, and will continue til the day they receive their glorious body. Our devotion tells us the corruptible will put on the incorruptible, and the mortal, immortality (1Cor.

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