
Week One Discussion

Better Essays

What is free cash flow and how do I calculate it?
A summary provided by
Pamela Peterson Drake, Florida Atlantic University
Estimates of cash flows .................................................................................................................... 1
Free cash flow ................................................................................................................................. 2
Free cash flow and agency theory .................................................................................................. 3
Free cash flow to equity ................................................................................................................ 3
Free cash flow to the …show more content…

The calculation uses information from both the company’s income statement and its balance sheet:
(EQ 3)


Net other non-cash increase in
+ depreciation + amortization + income charges (income) net working capital

Net working capital is defined as:
(EQ 4)

Net working capital = Current assets – current liabilities

Therefore, if net working capital increases, this is an offset to cash flow from operations, whereas if net working capital decreases, this is an enhancement of the cash flow from operations.
Cash flow from operations is a key indicator of a company’s financial health, because without the ability to generate cash flows from its operations, a company may not be able to survive in the future: cash flows are the lifeblood of a company.

Free cash flow
It has always been recognized that cash flow, no matter how we calculated it, does not necessarily reflect what was available for the suppliers of capital (that is, creditors and owners). An alternative cash flow, known as free cash flow (FCF), is useful in gauging a company’s cash flow beyond that necessary to grow at the current rate. This is because a company must make capital expenditures to continue to exist and to grow and FCF considers these expenditures.
In analysis and valuation, the essence of free cash flow is expressed as cash flow from operations, less any capital expenditures necessary to maintain its current growth:
(EQ 5)

Free cash flow = CFO - capital

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