
Wells Fargo Controversy Ethical Behavior

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A proliferation of headlines abounds regarding leaders and questionable ethical behavior. Examples in both public and private sector are easy to find. In business, one can look at the Wells Fargo scandal where employees fraudulently opened customer accounts to achieve management sales quotas and the case of Mylan Pharmaceuticals price gouging of the EpiPen as examples of unethical behavior. A quick open of the New York Times and you can read editorials on the Trump Administration and his use of the White House for personal gain, disregard for the anti-nepotism law and questionable associations and political appointments of persons such as Scott Gottlieb, Carl Ichan, and Steve Bannon. Governor Robert Bently of Alabama is currently being investigated …show more content…

Accountability is what establishes public trust. Public administrators should expect to be held accountable for what they say and what they do. Serving the public means being transparent, not keeping secrets. Citizens expect that public administrators and organizations are working on their behalf. They expect that the employees and the organization are providing programs, products and services that are in the best interest of the communities and the individuals that the organization supports. Ethics serve as the bridge for accountability between the administration and the public. Ethical practices create an environment of trust. The trust that the public places in these organizations is the cornerstone for the building and maintaining of communities that thrive. It’s important to note that organizations are only as good as the people that are in them. The people that are in them look to their leadership as a guide for what they do and how they do it. Leaders that exhibit moral conduct, honesty, integrity and transparency will set the foundation for the organization and the employees within it and these values will even penetrate throughout the citizenry and the community. (IACP, n.d.) This will have a direct impact on potential issues, hopefully minimizing

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