
Western Diet Vs Vegan Diet Analysis

Decent Essays

With a toppling number in the hundreds; in today’s society this is the exceeding amount of diets in existence. As humans we crave an image of perfection in one’s self; and a diet is just a route we take in order achieve this goal. The question that comes to mind of many is: Which diet actually works? The family oriented traditional western diet or a vegan diet? Firstly, “the western diet is characterized by high intakes of red meat, sugary desserts, high-fat foods, and refined grains”( Nazni 78). This diet primarily consists of foods that are virtually available to the average American. In addition, this diet is adequate in taste, is stated as being historically healthy and vital for a human, and it provides the human body with an imperative …show more content…

In contrast, “a vegan diet consists of exclusion of meat, dairy, and all animal by-products; such as rennet, gelatin, and even honey in one's diet ( Marto 43). Those who are vegan adapt this diet or lifestyle in hopes to improve health, promote ethical treatment for animals, and aid awareness for environmental concerns. Lastly, a plant based or vegan diet consist of whole grains, greens, fruits, and plant based proteins such as tofu, beans, and nuts.
In 2014, the average American consumed 615 pounds of dairy; this being highest, since 1975. Americans no longer eat by their stomach, but with their eyes. Although intake of dairy can provide fruitful nutrients for infants and adolescents for bone growth; can it be extraneous in the long running? “Nations with a high intake of dairy products, which are a major source of calcium in the westernized diet, should have low levels of osteoporosis” ( Fulkerson 2011). In association with those affiliated within the dairy industry, the general public is informed to intake products with exceeding amounts of calcium in order …show more content…

Only animal based foods can provide nutrients such as protein for an increase in muscle mass and bone health. Without and or lack of this nutrient our immune system would collapse and we would be deficient in vitamins. Second, humans are intended to consume meat for survival. Since, the dawn of time our ancestors were hunters and gathers. As a result, this instinct to consume meat for survival has been pass down in our genetics . On another hand, “Bacon, sausages, hot dogs, cold cuts, and other types of processed meat causes cancer similar rate of asbestos and tobacco. As little as fifty grams a day; just two slices of bacon, can increase your cancer risk by eighteen percent ” (Wendt 1). Those who intake meat, and those who smoke have one common tie: both cause cancer. As a result, consumption of meat leads to an increase of cancer; hence cancer is preventable if intake is nonexistence. In association, those who consume meat products are more likely to increase their rate of mortality, than non-carnivores. Due to intake of meat, diseases and illness prevails and remorsefully death comes more abrupt in comparison to a

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