
What Are Stereotypes Formed

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What are stereotypes?
A "stereotype" is a social perception of an individual in terms of group membership or physical attributes. Stereotypes are generalizations made about a group and then attributed to all members of that group.

How are Stereotypes formed?
Researchers now explain stereotyping as a result of schema processing.

What are the impacts of those stereotypes?
Stereotyping is a form of social categorization which affects the behavior of those who hold the stereotype and those who are labeled by a stereotype.

What are the negative effects of Stereotypes?
In certain situations, stereotypes can be negative, which in hand, can harm certain ethnicities, racial groups, religions, and other backgrounds. This often alienates certain groups from mainstream societies, as if they are an "other." This further in hand can, lead to heated friction and division among groups, which is not a good thing, and is the "cancer" of a benevolent, developed society. Certain examples of negative (falsified) stereotypes are that African-Americans are violent, Asian-Americans are bad drivers, Latin-Americans can't speak English properly, Middle Easterners are misogynic, White Americans are racist, etc. Of course, these stereotypes in all cases are NOT true, yet sadly the general population tends to seek them as true. …show more content…

Just like negative stereotypes, positive stereotypes can have an effect on different ethnicities, racial groups, religions, and other backgrounds. Which in certain situations they can be positive, which in-hand have positive effects, like increase the self-esteem of certain groups. For example, a positive stereotype is that Asians are intelligent. Certain examples of positive stereotypes are that African-Americans are great entertainers, Asian-Americans are smart, Latin-Americans are very family-oriented, Middle Easterners make good leaders, White Americans are kind

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