
Challenges In The Other Wes Moore

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In The Other Wes Moore, both Wes and the author, Moore, faced challenges because of things such as poverty, housing, and education. In terms of Wes, he had it much worse. In the first chapter of the book, when Wes is talking about his father, he says, “By Saturday afternoon we found out that he had died from acute epiglottis, a rare but treatable virus that causes the epiglottis to swell and cover the air passages to the lungs. Untreated because of the earlier misdiagnosis, my father’s body suffocated itself” (Moore 15). This is the first big event that occurred in Wes’s life that definitely influenced the person he turned into. Without a father figure growing up, Wes always had to look up to his brother, Tony, to make up for it. In chapter …show more content…

Along with copying his brother, Wes sold drugs because of how easily he made money from it. With two wives, a mother, and four children to support, Wes needed to make money somehow. In chapter six when Wes gets caught for selling drugs to an undercover cop, it is mentioned that “getting arrested was starting to feel routine. Wes wasn’t shocked or afraid anymore, just annoyed” (Moore 114). Because his childhood consisted of a lack of supportive family members, sufficient amount of money, quality education, and safe neighborhood, Wes turned to committing crimes to cope with the stress and poor quality of life that was brought upon him. In terms of Moore, his experiences throughout life were a bit better, but still not good. In chapter three, Moore explains his education and says, “I began to let my grades slip. Disappointed with Ds, pleasantly satisfied with Cs, and celebratory about a B, I allowed my standards at school to become pathetic” (Moore 54). Just like Wes, he resorts to doing illegal things to cope with the poor quality of life he experiences. The main difference between them is that Moore ends up receiving help, while Wes …show more content…

By learning about the poverty in not only the city of Buffalo, but also the rest of the country, it inspires me to step up and be engaged in my community even more. We have learned so much about how things like the education you receive and what neighborhood you grow up in can heavily affect your future. In one of the readings from week 4, when the author is discussing poverty, he says, “What I see is the failure of society. I see a society that let that happen, that is not doing what it should. And it’s very sad” (Pilkington 25). In my opinion, we need more people stepping up in their community and volunteering to make the world a better place. Small actions really do have a big impact and it is evident in things just like this. This also reminds me of when we discussed redlining in week 6 of class. Based on where you live decides if you receive services or not – it was out of your own control (CollegeHumor). In terms of my service with ARC Erie County New York, even after this semester is done, I hope to continue spreading awareness of what a disability is and how it affects those that have them. During week 6 of class, we read the first couple chapters of the book Outliers. In this book we learned what structural advantages and disadvantages were and how they contributed to levels of success throughout life (Gladwell). The disabilities that the members of ARC Erie County have serve as structural

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