
What Are The Current Issues In Business Law

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Case Problems 15–1. Liquidated Damages. Carnack contracts to sell his house and lot to Willard for $100,000. The terms of the contract call for Willard to make a deposit of 10 percent of the purchase price as a down payment. The terms further stipulate that if the buyer breaches the contract, Carnack will retain the deposit as liquidated damages. Willard makes the deposit, but because her expected financing of the $90,000 balance falls through, she breaches the contract. Two weeks later, Carnack sells the house and lot to Balkova for $105,000. Willard demands her $10,000 back, but Carnack refuses, claiming that Willard’s breach and the contract terms entitle him to keep the deposit. Discuss who is correct. (See Damages.) Answer: Carnack is correct because Willard entered a contract that states that the deposit of $10,000(down payment) as liquidated damage. The contract was reasonable in its damage amount and unlikely to tell when a possible breach was going to happen, therefore the owner can obtain compensation. When Willard breached her contract by not being able to finance the $90,000, Carnack is entitled to obtain a certain amount of money. 15–2. Mitigation of Damages. …show more content…

Topnotch Computers, the owner of a computer store, contracted with Repair Guru, the owner of a computer repair business, to allow Repair Guru to own and operate a computer repair service offered within the Topnotch Computers store. Topnotch Computers subsequently terminated the three -year contract with Repair Guru with thirty-five months remaining. Five months thereafter Repair Guru was able to contract with another firm, Best Computer, to provide its computer repair equipment for use by Best in its stores. Repair Guru then filed suit, claiming that it was entitled to conduct the computer repair operations for Topnotch Computers for an additional thirty-five months and that through such operations it would have earned a profit of $150,000. Decision for whom and in what amount and

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