
What Are The Effects Of Concealed Weapons On College Campuses

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Students and members of the faculty that hold a current Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP) should be permitted to carry their weapon on college campuses if they so choose. Notably, holders of CWPs are on average more responsible and safe than other members of society. Smith asserts that “People with concealed carry licenses are 5.7 times less likely to be arrested for violent offenses than the general public [as well as] 13.5 times less likely to be arrested for non-violent offenses than the general public.” Allowing concealed weapons on campus can also prevent casualties and injuries in the event of a mass public shooting. According to Smith “Between 1977 and 1995, the average death rate from mass shootings plummeted by up to 91% after such laws [right-to-carry concealed handgun laws] went into effect, and injuries dropped by over 80%.” …show more content…

After enacting laws that allow permitted adults to carry a concealed weapon a number of states have witnessed significant, and even rapid, declines in crime rates, including murder, rape, and assault.
While used properly and safely concealed weapons permits can offer numerous benefits to college campuses. Those who carry concealed weapons have a great responsibility and can ultimately help prevent or interrupt a crime or perhaps protect a life that might otherwise have been

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