
What Caused The Holocaust

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Ever since the holocaust in World War 2 there has been more than a dozen genocides, not only in Germany where it started, but from all over the world. Most of these genocides had started off from one race thinking they are better or superior to another. Races that thinks they are better start blaming the other race for economic problems they face like, political, social & many other things. They think the only way to fix this problem is to get rid of the race that they believe is cause of their problems thus causing the being of a genocide. There’s been genocides that people don’t even know that have happened & that the holocaust was the only genocide known. I’m going to name & example some of the different genocide that have happened since …show more content…

The Hutu started to go door to door killing the Tutsi with machetes, cubs or any hand weapons they could get their hands on to because bullets were to expense for the Hutu to affored, says (“Some of the victims were given the option of paying for a bullet so that they'd have a quicker death”). The reason why the Hutu would know who was a Tutsi was because they would look at their identity card that would have what they were, a Hutu, a Tutsi or a Twa. All the Tutsi men & children were killed as soon as they were found, but some of the women would be kept & tortured before being killed & in many causes they would be raped first then killed adding humiliation to the mix of all things. The killing lasted about 100 days or 4 months averaging about 800,000 Tutsi men & women died. The slaughter stop because the RPF came into play, the RPF or known as the Rwandan Patriotic Front is a trained military made up of Tutsi people that was made some years before. The RPF forced matter into their own hands & went into Rwanda to take over, they came out wining but at the same time the flet like if they “had lost because they have had wished to get here sooner than later” says a Tutsi …show more content…

This genocide was about getting ride of a religion, the Chinese came over during the 1950s to take over & invade Tibet so they can try to spread their country. It wasn't till the 1960s were there was a report that a genocide was taking part there, it nearly took almost 10 years for a public to know what was really going on here. Most of the Tibet people weren't killed right away, they would first be taking to a prison then after hard labor they would then be killed by getting shot in the head or in other cause they would just die because they were put to work for long hrs with little or no food & water to withstand this type of cruel punishment. ( says "over 1.2 million Tibetans died between 1949 & 1979”. On February of 1990 other counteris came together & fought for what was right & got Tibet there freedom back, Canada, Sweden, the U.S & Australia all took a stand & helped Tibet with their situation. Although it did take some time (almost 10 years) they got the job done, on February of the same month they passed a law saving all Tibet people from what could have gotten worst if someone would have not steped in & helped. The Tibet genocide was one of the most lasting genocide in history although not the most in people killed but what almost the

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