
What Causes Teenagers to Lose Motivation in School? Essay

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What Causes Teenagers to Lose Motivation in School? missing works cited

Some reasons for high school student academic failure, which range from drug use to individual student insecurity, can be plainly traced to the nature of adolescence. Social acceptance and a desire to belong to a crowd are placed above academics in the minds of teens. When academic underachievement is the norm, devoted students may come under ridicule as being "nerds" or "teacher's pets". There is a difficulty, therefore, in getting students to become motivated. How do you propose to motivate a group of students who feel that they cannot jeopardize their social status for doing well in school? Other reasons for academic failure range from student feelings of …show more content…

These numbers reveal that teenagers face an apparent exposure to drugs, and have little trouble getting a hold of some if desired. This article concludes that drug use and its consequences are not stressed enough in the current high school curriculum. The statistics prove that more needs to be done to identify and educate students at risk for drug use.

In "Identifying Students at Risk for Drug Use" the web site's author lists factors in a teen's life that can make him or her more susceptible to drug use and its immediate problems, such as low academic achievement, poor class attendance, and dropping out of school. Students coming from a family history of alcoholism, criminal, or antisocial behavior, are at a higher risk for drug use than students who do not have family structure and management problems. Students who have long periods of time without adult supervision and those who have bad school attendance also tend to have a lack of motivation to do school work. This means that they have alternate things to do with their time, so they are not performing as well as they could be as students.

One web source, "Student Potential Instruction," proposes the problem that not all students are reaching their highest potential in school. The specific argument of the site is that school technology and training is inadequate, and that some students do not receive sufficient challenges or motivation. Students can begin to feel inferior

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