
What Does It Mean To Be Killings People

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Should we being killings people instead of trying to help fix them and help them. I mean if someone murders someone would you rather have them spend the rest of their life in jail or get off easy and get their life taken. Also the death penalty doesn't really scare people because if they kill someone then they are getting out of the punishments.
People need to feel the punishments of their crimes. When people commit a crime that is bad enough they should feel the punishment and not be killed. But really if we are killing people for committing if you think we are giving them the easy way out instead of letting them live out their punishment in jail. Like we are really punishing the people who love them and care about them more than we are punishing the person that actually committed the crime. …show more content…

Also it shows that society is giving up on them by not giving them a chance. Like the person should sit and rot in jail then be killed. I mean if they are getting put in jail then they will probably would rather the death penalty then be put in jail and be miserable the rest of their life.
These are the reasons that the death penalty. Punishing the people family is pretty much the death penalty because the person that is killed will never remember getting killed. Also we at least need to try to help these

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