
What Does It Mean To Be Me Essay

Decent Essays

My full name is David Grant Ho. I was born on August 19, 1995. Including myself, I come from a family of four, with my mother, and two older brothers. I am of Vietnamese descent and am the only person in my family to be born in America. My two older brothers and I have the same birth month as well coincidentally. I was born and raised in California throughout my entire life, particularly in the Bay Area of Northern California. A personal quality that relates to the person that I am today is responsibility. I have always blamed others for my faults and misfortunes, and always had someone and/or something to take the fault for me when I did something wrong. I was a very unsuccessful person in many aspects of life because of this toxic mentality. Growing up, adults often spoke about being responsible. They use this word to describe the virtue of doing what you are told. It is your responsibility to clean your room. It is your response to do your homework. It is your responsibility to pass the test, measure up, and fit in with others around you. It is your responsibility to live with the fear of failure, never taking any risk. Be responsible. I use to always hate that word back then, not until when I started to fully understand what it meant. Throughout a …show more content…

It was a concept that ran through my mind often growing up. I hated this concept, because I use to perceive negatively as a way of people trying to control me. But now I think the concept of taking responsibility is one of the most fundamental concepts in life towards being truly happy. Knowing that you are in full control and taking full accountability for your actions, you have complete ease of mind, and are at peace with yourself. No one is going to make your decisions, or take responsibility for your actions. Our greatest ability as human beings is are self awareness in us having the power of

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