
What Does It Mean To Be Well-Educated

Decent Essays

What Does Being Well-Educated Mean? What does it mean to be well-educated? Is a well-educated person someone who went to a good school? Does it apply to someone who got straight A’s is school and did well on standardized tests? Does it mean that they are smart or just good at memorizing their material and requirements for tests? If they are good at passing test by memorizing all the material but then forget it as soon as the test is done then what good was taking a test in the first place? Is a well-educated person the same thing as a smart person? If a person went to an adequate school and receives a good education then it would be concluded that they are well-educated but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are smart. It might just mean …show more content…

Consider this example, I go to a private school, and my friend goes to a public school and is one grade higher than I am. You would think that a private school student is better educated than a public school student. We both get the same grades, does this mean we are equally smart and does being smart mean being well-educated? As a grade lower than her I have learned more about essay writing in general than her. I’ve been taught how to write is MLA format and I’ve written a number of essays, outlines, and thesis statements, I’ve been doing this for years. My public school friend on the other hasn’t learned this until recently even though she is one grade higher than me. You’d think she would have learned this first, and does this make me more educated than her; perhaps in one area. On the other hand my friend has read many classic literatures for school and I have not, does this make her more educated than me; perhaps in one area. We both do well in school and on tests yet she is constantly correcting my spelling and I am constantly explaining what certain words mean to her. In short, it is understood that private school education is better than public school education yet this does not mean in any way that I am any smarter than my friend who goes to public …show more content…

Sitting in a classroom for a certain number of hours does not make one well-educated (Kohn). Throughout the school day of an average high school for example how much time do you actual spend learning? An average school day is around seven hours with about nine periods dividing up the day. If each period is around forty minutes with five minutes to get to your classes you spend almost an hour in between periods getting from one class to another throughout the course of a day. You have about forty minutes for lunch, a study hall or sometimes two and some kind of elective like gym or art. That’s not much time left for actually learning anything useful. When I was in middle school I remember my teachers wasting almost half of the period explaining in detail what we would be doing for the day instead of actually doing it. If the time you spent at school measures how well you’re educated than it’s not a very good measurement to go on. If the time you spent in school meant you are well-educated then you can easily agree that every student is well-educated and we know that’s not the

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