
What Happens After Death In Religion

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Crystal McVea’s near death experience due to cardiac arrest brought her to a heavenly realm, where she was face-to-face with God. She recalls all of the usual elements of a heavenly encounter being present – bright lights, pearlescent gates, and flying angels. More importantly though, was her experience with God. She stated that she could feel him with more than the 5 senses she had on Earth.

Religions are said to hold answers for all of the important questions posed to the human race. One question that appears, not only in today’s time, but as far back as the dawn of man, is the curious question of ‘what happens after death?’ Some religions state that the soul can ascend to a heavenly body and eternal paradise, or descend to a fiery pit and eternal damnation. Some say …show more content…

These religions, despite their divine erudition and devout following, fail to provide a tangible answer to that one simple question.

What is Death?
This question has plagued mankind for as long as history has been recorded. Ruminations have been made on the mystery of death for aeons, and in this period of time, a vast number of answers have been suppled. Some believe that death is nothing more than the beginning of another journey, albeit spiritual, whilst others trust that death is simply a long sleep, to bide the time of believers until some prophesised day or event occurs. Recently, an idea has been garnered that says that all who experience death, simply stop, with no carrying on afterwards.

Despite all of the philosophies of death that have been created and shared, and all of the time that humans have spent pondering this question, a consensus has never been reached for death truly is. An all-encompassing answer has never been found, meaning that, much like the mysteries of what occurs after death, not a single person truthfully knows what death is.

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