
Alexander Hamilton Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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Alexander Hamilton presents his knowledge of human nature in this statement, “The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased”. In 1954 William Golding Published the novel Lord of the Flies in order to get a deeper look into the flaws of society that are related to the flaws of human nature. During WWII a group of British school boys were being transported by airplane, nevertheless the airplane was shot down, killing the pilot and leaving a group of boys on an island where there is no adult supervision. Today our topic will be focusing on the pessimistic views of …show more content…

Many of the boys as it has been told have lost their morals as well as some of the boys try to maintain who they were before. How Piggy and Jack have changed throughout the novel will be discussed. Piggy announced, “‘I got this to say. acting like a crowd of kids.’ The booing rose and died again as Piggy lifted the white, magic shell” (Golding 180). Piggy was so attached to his auntie at the beginning of the novel that he would think about what she had told him and what she would expect. Now, Piggy wants to be respected and state his ideas without knowing what his auntie would say. Now, it is time to discuss and recognize the ways that Jack has changed, even though he sticks with some of his qualities there is also a major change throughout the novel. Jack stated, ‘“All the same you need an army一for hunting. Hunting pigs一”’(Golding 32). When Jack is first introduced to us he is leading a group of choirboys but as the novel progresses, he refers to himself as a hunter but is still looking to be given leadership and power. Some of the boys have changed drastically while others have changed in the simplest of ways, Piggy has definitely lost his innocence that he carried through the beginning while Jack maintained his drive for leadership but has also gone from a choir leader to a hunter. William Golding proceeded to tell us, “No human endeavour can ever be wholly good... it must always have a cost”. Throughout Lord of the Flies, Golding reminds us that the difference between a pessimistic and an optimistic society is in the hands of the boys themselves. All of us have savagery within but it is our choice to disguise it with the help of our morals and the structure of the boys and the society around

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