
What Is Anti-Commandeering?

Decent Essays

1. The “Anti-Commandeering” rule bans Congress from ordering state officials to carry out federal tasks. This rule led to holes within the system that would allow people prone to violence to get firearms. Stevens says that this rule could cripple other congressional acts, from routine administration of federal programs to emergency responses or acts of terror. I agree with Stevens because gun violence in the U.S. is a big dilemma, and this rule could widely aid the matter. 2. In the past, courts have devised special standards for the different forms of gerrymandering. Many legal and political solutions have emerged to hinder gerrymandering, including court-ordered redistricting plans, redistricting commissions, and replacement voting systems that do not rely on drawing boundaries …show more content…

McCutcheon v FEC, 2014- Reversed the biennial collection limit on personal contributions to national party and federal candidate committees. I agree with Steven’s change because people should be able to do what they want with their money. 4. Common law is the part of English regulation that is derived from customized and judicial precedent rather than statutes. Stevens says that a state-owned hospital, school, or police force should not have a defense to federal claims that a private one does not. I agree with Steven’s change because state officials should not have immunity from violating acts of Congress. 5. Since the 1970’s the U.S Government has been back and forth with the legalization of the death penalty. Some states have banned the death penalty, and it is still an ongoing decision for others. Many different laws and regulations have been made so that the death penalty is used in the correct way. To Stevens, the "final, yet fallible" argument is adequate rationale that the death penalty should be

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