
What Is Gerontology?

Decent Essays

OLD AGE Gerontology is the study of the social, psychological, cognitive, and biological aspects of aging in humans. I have come to understand through this course that the study of gerontology includes various tributary investigators and practitioners within the fields of biology, sociology, psychiatry, public health, political science, economics, pharmacy, anthropology, in addition. They contribute information and knowledge that would enable the society to effective, envision, plan, care for and empower the aging population. Additionally, I have come to understand and appreciate the major myths and stereotypes associated with aging.
Before this course, while I could effectively understand and explain the biological aging that denotes the physical changes that reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of …show more content…

The course has helped me with penetrate understanding to the central ambiguity of the problems of the aging people – what shall he do , and how shall he go about regaining himself and the values he holds dear in the face of his awareness of the seeming absurdity of his old age existence? Why are the elderly people losing their minds, so forgetful? Why are their mental faculties going berserk (for some of them)? Why are some old people seeing apparent visions that are not actually there?
This course has provided reasons and helped me to respond to the questions indicated above. I have come to realize in the past few weeks that old age is to be cherished and be given optimistic absolute meaning by reabsorbing each person into the bosom of mankind despite the weaknesses of the flesh and that particular fear which each one experiences in the face of their old age. Real interest of each one is mingled with the general interest of all

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