
What Is Miss Evers Boys Code Of Ethics

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Miss Evers Boys This paper will explore the ethical issues that are present throughout the movie Miss Evers Boys. The movie explores how the American Government used human experimentation to obtain research for an illness that was soon becoming an epidemic in the United States. The Tuskegee study began the year of 1932 and progressed for decades. Many ethical principles were violated throughout the study. Autonomy, the right to make decisions for one’s self was clearly violated. This is essential in being independent and being able to make informed, knowledgeable decisions about one’s health. The main ethical principle that was violated throughout the Tuskegee study was autonomy.
Synopsis of the Tuskegee Study In 1932, the United …show more content…

There were many ethical principles that were violated throughout the study such as autonomy which is the the right to decide for oneself, beneficence which is doing good for others, non-maleficence which is to do no harm, and justice which is knowing all the benefits and risks. While all these ethical principles all share great importance there one that the movie portrays in a very clear manor. The main ethical issue that was portrayed most throughout the movie was the lack of autonomy given to the participants. Autonomy is the right to make decisions for oneself and have those decisions be respected by others. This allows patients to have full knowledge and power of treatments and procedures being done to them. Along with having complete knowledge of what is going on medically with the patient, this principle enforces one to tell their patient any and all risks, benefits and alternatives to what is being suggested. This principle also allows patients to have the right to refuse treatment whenever they choose. Autonomy is one of the four main ethical principles that used when making decisions. The movie Miss Evers Boys shows numerous examples of how this very important principal was violated and swept under the …show more content…

Nearly half, if not more of the nine provisions were violated throughout this movie. The ANA code of ethics emphases that a nurse acts in a way in which promotes human dignity and has the utmost moral respect for all human beings (Butts & Rich, 2005). In the movie Miss Evers Boys, nurse Evers’ was a vulnerable subject and was put in a tough position. If she would have stopped for a moment and thought back to how the code of ethics guides nurses to care for their patients she probably would have stepped away or exposed the study to the public. Being that she decided to stay and be apart of the trial she continued to violate may codes enough through her intentions were meant to do well at

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