
What Is My Dream Job Essay

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Pursuing My Dream Job Everyone wants to be something when they grow up, and there are millions of professions to choose from. During my four long years of high school, I have learned and experienced many things in and out of the classroom. Some of it helped me decide what profession I wanted to pursue when I graduated, but I mostly got the idea when I was eleven years old and my sister had her triplets that were born premature. I want to have a job that gives back to the community, that involves children and infants. I’ve had a lot of time to think about what I want to be when I graduate from high school. As a freshman and sophomore, thinking about a profession was not a priority because I thought I had plenty of time to decide. As I approached the time that I will be on my own, I started to panic a little. This profession that I chose will most likely be my job for most of my life. I thought of all the terrible things that could come out of picking the wrong profession. What if I end up hating this job? What if I won’t be able to meet the qualifications of the profession I decide to pursue? Thanks to my mom, she calmed me down and always had an answer. I was …show more content…

The main one is because I will have the privilege to help the children and infants of my community. As I work with them, I think it would be so cool to discover their personalities and see their progress. I had nieces and nephews ever since I was four. I was drawn to them from the day they were born, spending a lot of time babysitting and playing with them. Because of this opportunity, I get to see how different each one is. I don’t have any younger siblings, so when I am around my nieces and nephews, I learn how a child develops and matures. I understand how they act when they are going through different emotions. I think this is a great start to becoming a nurse, because now I know how to interact with and care for children and

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