
What Is Procedural Memory?

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Most people have heard of memory. But do most people know the definition of memory? It's the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences. There's a lot of other things about memory that are worth knowing. For instance, have you ever heard of muscle memory? It's how your body remembers to do things. That means if you learn to ride a bike, you'll never forget how, unless you go through great mental trauma or brain damage.

Besides procedural memory, there are also many other types of memory. There’s the basics, short term and long term, but there are subcategories within that, such as explicit, implicit, autobiographical, and declarative memory. There have been studies that show sleep actually helps your procedural and declarative memory. Non-REM sleep helps your declarative memory, and REM sleep helps your procedural memory.

Many other studies have been done on memory. For instance, when a man had surgery for intractable …show more content…

65 to 69 year olds remembered 65% of the learned words, and 80 to 85 year olds with higher education remembered 60% of the words. However, 80 to 85 year olds without higher education remembered less than 50% of the words. This study proved that people with low education had a higher chance of getting Alzheimer's. From the books I read and websites I visited, I also know a lot of other facts about memory. If you’ve ever forgotten why you walked into a room, it’s because you entered a doorway. When you walk into a room, your brain thinks that you’re starting a new process, so it takes that as a signal to clear your short term memory. Something else I found interesting is that even if you have perfect recall or photographic memory, you often can’t remember infancy because your brain is programmed not to remember it. Which is odd because memory starts 20 weeks after

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