
What Is The Impact Of Technology On American Society

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Technology since the 1990’s had started to have a role in daily life in the United States. Both Science and Technology began to have an enormous growth during this time period. Many people have benefited from the rapid innovation of new types of technology. New innovations such as the internet for computers and genetic technology have been used by the general public and the government itself for convenience, as a source of accessible information and cures for diseases. Both of these technologies have made created both positive and negative changes socially and politically in modern society. Many people have worked on this project in order to function. Today, technology has become more efficient for the United States to improve how we socialize, …show more content…

Although the idea of the computer had developed, the first digital computer, the Colossus, was used in World War II in England to crack into Hitler’s codes to break an electronic code to discover the German’s war plans in 1944. This would eventually evolve into technology that would become the Personal Computers (PC) and begin the age of the Computer and online connection (The Colossus Gallery).
The Internet was first used for the military and government, created by the US Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). At this time, mass producing the computer was too expensive to mass produce to the entire public. The idea of the Internet emerged in the early 1960s and finally became a success in 1969 when it finally launched; the first connection between two computers finally became a reality creating a new computer network (History of the Internet).
The first computer network was known as the ARPANET and was demonstrated in 1970 at the International Computer Communication Conference. It was able to send basic email messages back and forth to other people who shared the same server. For the first time, computers were able to share the same server with each other. The use of ARPANET had been useful for the government to track foreign activity and other scandals for many decades (History of the …show more content…

Scientists in the same year began to create what is known as today as the Modern World Wide Web, the emergence of the modern Internet today. Several online web servers held information on pages of text known as websites, in which they each had their own website name to access (History of the Internet). A new application called the web browser was created in order to access all of the web pages available on the internet to the public. The way the information was presented on the web page was with a hypertext markup language (HTML); this would become a standard format to display informational text (Goel, Tarun). A URL link was also introduced on the web browser as an address to access web pages for the public. The result of the internet had changed how people have done research to access more information and how people have communicated with one another (Goel, Tarun).
During this revolution, a company named Microsoft developed itself a role in the computer industry and released its own operating system. In 1995, Microsoft had released their first operating system, Windows 95 which became the standard system used on all computers within days. Microsoft soon dominated worldwide sales of computer operating systems by the end of the 1990’s. Upon the turn of the century, Microsoft also realized that the business had the potential to develop a greater role in the computer industry (Microsoft

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