
What Is The Importance Of Identifying Likes And Dislikes?

Decent Essays

*Cue Julie Andrews singing about her favourite things* Well now that we have that established. On a more serious note I wanted to write this post to 1) understand the importance of identifying likes and dislikes when you’re battling with an eating disorder and 2) allow you to get to know me better.

It’s common for people struggling with an eating disorder to not have a clear sense of self. This is usually due to a lack of mirroring in the home environment (I talk more about this in this blog post.) Since you are not making true connections it affects the development of your sense of self. This lack of self-concept inhibits the ability to express emotions. So you begin to look externally first for what is validated by society and then …show more content…

themselves back to their true self to live in alignment)

Warm blankets (I’m always wrapping blankets around myself even if I’m not cold because I like the way it comforts me-especially my soft blanky)

Thunderstorms in the summer

Going to restaurants (I find that I enjoy food so much more when it’s cooked for me rather than by me)

Baking (I listen to the Twilight soundtrack on repeat and let my creativity guide me)


Researching and developing new projects (Book number two in the works…)

Being in love

Massages (mostly getting them but I enjoy giving hand massages)

Making treasure hunts, mazes, games, or riddles for other people

The feeling of a clean mouth/brushing my teeth

Being silly, playful, and sarcastic


Flowers (especially hydrangeas, roses, and sunflowers)

Sleeping without a pillow

The beach (the sun, sand, and {preferably} salt water)

The sound of a nearby train


Teaching and attending workshops

Growing fresh herbs

The smell of fresh lavender

Jaguars (the car)

Feeling financially supported

Reading my horoscope in the newspaper every year on my birthday


Kristin Wiig (I can relate to her sense of humour)


Psychology games

Driving around to see Christmas lights

Watching any Audrey Hepburn movie, The Twilight Saga, or Gone with the Wind (the only movies I enjoy watching more than once)

High waisted sailor pants

Purple and yellow

Listening to MC Yogi – Shanti during savasana pose

Hiking and

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