
What Is The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr Hyde

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1. Introduction
The impact of Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was so big that the same publishing year (1886) served glory for the author. And here a discussion arises, as his work did not specifically suit the citizen’s taste. Why was it so special? Nowadays one could read this novel and without any prior knowledge or research, could see it as another interesting science fiction and horror book, as I initially did. So the key to success lays in its release in history and thus the people’s daily lives. But what did catch the reader’s interest? It should have been an unusual happening, something the Victorians did not speak about or did not realize and that hidden matter piqued my interest. That is why the research question is: “How accurately does Robert Louis Stevenson depict Victorian society in the novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?” …show more content…

This period was known for their great living, benefiting from a post Industrial revolution economic growth and their advances in the scientific field. Therefore, society was a clear example of harmony, where everything was idyllic. But that is not how the author sees it. With the emerging, dark figure of Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll’s alter ego, the novel twists and tells the story of an unsatisfied man’s destiny as he tries to uncover his abhorrent transformations which cause nothing but havoc in London’s streets. Stevenson’s novel will reveal the covered truth of history by becoming the 19th century vivid image, and not solely a fictional

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