
What Kind Of Ethics Does You Posses As A Person?

Decent Essays

What kind of ethics does you posses as a person? You may have wondered this question about your self but have you ever wondered it about the company you work for? All businesses have a code of ethics. There are companies with posses good ethics and those who posses bad ethics. As the Mondy (2012) text states, “companies that “out behave” their competitors ethically will generally outperform them financially” (p.28). Ethics start with the company’s motto, their code and how upper management protects their statements. Ethics needs to be part of the company’s culture. Companies who back their code of ethics and mottos have positive work culture (Solomon, 1992). Throughout, this paper we will compare companies culture with the Ethical Flaw text from Mondy (2012). A motto is a short statement or sentence that guides a company (Palmer, 1999). Google’s motto is “Do no evil” (Code of Conduct). When Google says do no evil it is referring to anything that causes harm to Google’s stakeholders. They take their motto very seriously. Not only does Google expect their entire workforce and board of directors to follow the code but also any contractors, consultants or service providers. If an employee fails to follow the motto; disciplinary actions or termination can follow. If a contractor, consultant or service provider fails to follow the motto; Google will cut all ties with them (Code of Conduct). By doing this it protects and promotes Google’s culture of do no evil. The “Ethical

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