
What Pregnant Women Won T Tell You-Ever Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Paper 6

In the essay "What Pregnant Women Won't Tell You - Ever", Elyse Anders talks about the downsides of pregnancy. Some of which I wasn't aware that could happen but other I was. I was aware of common symptoms like having a trouble staying awake, morning sickness, frequent urination, pooping and not being able to drink. But, I was not aware of the others.

I assumed that most women are thrilled to experience pregnancy and to have a child. But, the reality is most women are terrified. Pregnancy is scary. Women don't know what is happening to their bodies. Every pregnancy is different so, women don't know what's normal or not. Another reason could be they aren't or allowed to be happy to be pregnant. A woman might realize that they are not as prepared as they thought they were. They might begin to question if they can handle the responsibility of taking care of another person or if they are making a mistake. The sad truth is they might be. Or, people will lecture a woman for being stupid and not being safe. This is most common with women who are too young or not married. …show more content…

I didn't know that if nothing hurts, something is wrong. If a woman is in too much pain, something is probably wrong. But, if everything hurts and just the right amount then everything is great and going smoothly. The problem a woman doesn't know the right amount. The baby could cause their mother pain by kicking their cervix which cause intense pain and make them want to collapse on the floor. Another thing that can cause pregnant women pain is swelling genitals. It can feel like being punched in the crouch. Sitting causes pain and standing can make the blood rush. Laying down helps but once a woman stands or sits everything is

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