
What Ways Do Practices Of Consumption Drive Ecological Degradation?

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“In what ways do practices of consumption drive ecological degradation?”

The consumption of some goods and services results to ecological degradation more than we may realize. The things that we purchase contribute directly or indirectly to pollution, climate change, resources depletion and biodiversity loss. Ecological degradation refers to the “deterioration in environmental quality from ambient concentrations of pollutants and other activities and processes such as improper land use and natural disasters” (OECD, 1997). Ecological degradation is in most cases a result of socioeconomically, institutional and technological activities. The resources that are affected include water, soil and air. The degradation also impacts our wildlife, …show more content…

Mining provides a number of jobs to a large number of people along with being a great source for government revenues. Despite its great contribution to the economy, the effects that it has on the environment appears to be of great concern. For example rainforests are a great and important source of wood, oxygen and medicine for everyone. Rainforests in the amazon in particular are known for its alluvial deposits of gold that are found at river banks after major floods and river channels. In order for miners to mine gold, hydraulic mining techniques are often used. This method involves the process of blasting at the riverbanks that results to irreversible damage to trees and animals. Through the process of separating the mercury and the sediment from gold yielding gravel deposits, miners who appear to be less equipped than industrial miners sometimes may ignore the release of some of the mercury into the river. The mercury is then likely to enter the food chain through water animals as well as their predators. “Highly compound cyanide is also used to separate gold from sediment and rock. In spite of all precautionary measures, it sometimes escapes into the surrounding environment” (Rose, 2012). Therefore those who consume fish might be at great risk of contamination of such toxins. Chemicals such as sulfuric acid, cyanide and methyl mercury are usually used in different

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