
What Would A Republican Win Mean For Health Policy?

Decent Essays

Topic Selection: The topic that I choose to write my policy brief on is Republican Health Policy. The article that I have selected is “What Would A republican Win Mean for Health Policy?” by Gail R. Wilensky. This article is a current event because of the Presidential elections that are taking place at the moment. As individuals are following the elections, it is important to know the changes that can occur depending on who is elected as the next president of the United States.
Problem Statement: If a Republican was elected president, how would health policy change? Would it be a drastic change or a subtle change?
Background Summary: The article illustrates that how republican candidate, Donald Trump, wants to change the aspects of health care. As mentioned in the article, Trump wants to make vast decisions on health care and wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Wilensky, 2016). The Affordable Care Act was created in order to help individuals obtain insurance. The Affordable Care Act was created during Obama’s presidency and is a part of Obamacare. If Trump is elected, he wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which can cause a variety of issues for those individuals who depend on it. There has also been a discussion about raising the Medicare eligibility age of 67, which would make it difficult for individuals who need the help before the age of 67. Individuals rely on the Affordable Care Act and Medicare because it allows them to have access to the

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