
What the Futures Holds for Marijuana Essay

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Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a plant that is consider one of the many illegal sustains. Marijuana is a plant that clams to make people addicted like other drugs like meth, cocaine, and other harmful sustains. Marijuana has been refer as pot, grass, reefer, weed, herb, mary jane, or mj by National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (34) When mentioning of this plant, it cause sirs among the public about the dangerous use of the plant. The news media portal marijuana as harmful plants that changes people for the worst. For the past years, states has proposal to legalize marijuana for medical purposes. While other states has taken the actions of making the plant completely legal. With the change of the laws changing, marijuana has …show more content…

Throughout the years, marijuana play a major role in parts of the world. It had play a role of healing patients. According to Clare Wilson, a scientist, had support this fact by stating, “The plant is used in traditional medicine all over the world to relieve pain and muscle spasms.” (64) Not only the earliest people know the existent of the plant, but also made use of the plant as well. If the earliest people were comfortable of using marijuana as a medical use, then it shouldn’t be illegal to begin with. The earliest people didn’t have to rely on any medication pills since all they needed was just marijuana to make them feel a lot better. Marijuana became dub as an illegal pant by congress in 1937, called the Marihuana Tax Act, which stop the use of marijuana as a commercial use. (Katel 534) Ever since the act was passed, it was impossible for people to research on cannabis.
Over time U.S. citizen had grown more interest in the use of marijuana. Base on the Federal Bureau of Narcotics agent reported in 1965, they have concluded that, “From what I have read and heard, it would appear that the reported increased and widespread use of marihuana by college students could be attributed in part to the influence of Allen Ginsberg and persons of his ilk.” (Katel 534) Base on those facts, it tell that college students were indeed using marijuana. By 1978, the first state that legalize marijuana for medical use was in New Mexico. The reason for this to happen

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