
When Gangs Go Viral: Government Use Of Social Media

Decent Essays

Government Control
Social media today is a very free place. We are allowed to post whatever we like and comment on whomever’s picture. However, social media can be a very dark place too, because of this freedom. Hate across the world can be seen, different accounts are made only for bringing down others, and the arguments of the small things are formed every single day. Although these problems are seen on social media they are not related to the topic I am concerned about. I want to discuss all of the hidden powers social media websites like Twitter and Facebook have along with the idea that our government should have those powers.
Social media is very deceiving because of all the things and information the social media companies like Facebook …show more content…

Gangs in inner cities like Chicago and New York also use social media to communicate and recruit new members. The police in these cities see gangs using social media in this way as a mistake because they are able to keep track of the gangs locations and actions. Megan Behrman, the writer of “When Gangs Go Viral: Using Social Media and Surveillance Cameras to Enhance Gang Database”. She states that, “gang members routinely use social media to highlight their criminal endeavors, to intimidate and threaten rival gangs, and to promote their own gang” (Behrman 6). The police create fake accounts that seem like young adults looking to join the gang and begin to follow leading members in the gang on social media. The police then monitor posts and messages from the gang leaders and can then use this information and stop events before they even happen. The police being able to do this is fantastic. The police can find out when , where, and what illegal activity is going to happen and be able to stop it from happening before it even …show more content…

The government contains brand new, top of the line technology and people with extensive knowledge about computers, operating systems, and coding. The government could begin to find and prevent terrorist attacks like the Boston Marathon Bombing, and the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida. The 29 year old man, Omar Mateen, the man responsible to the Pulse Nightclub shooting and committed 49 acts of murder at Pulse also claimed to have an allegiance with ISIS CNN reported that Mr. Mateen was investigated by the FBI but they found that he was not a

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