
Where Do Babies Come From

Decent Essays

"Where do babies come from?” the dreaded question any inquisitive child will ask their parents. For decades, explanations on sexuality ran parallel to society's conservative, infamous and dreaded birds and the bees talk. It is a deflective story that only seems to confuse and shame children about their curiosities. As times change we have more than the birds and the bees, we have the caterpillar changing into a butterfly, the squirrel pairing with a rabbit and a whole tree of differences. So, why is it normal to teach a child that a baby is delivered by a bird or that a vagina is called a flower? Why are we not teaching our children sexual education from toddler-hood and preventing it in our schools? Our modern mainstream media and its outlets …show more content…

There are bouncy bosoms on television, Mary Boo Peep’s seductive behavior towards Woody in Toy Story, and lyrics that promote promiscuity blaring on pop radio. The fact that sex sells is something we cannot avoid, it’s fed to us from all media outlets. Parents and caregivers have the option to shelter or to educate children on what they will face. “Many parents are rather shocked at how early I suggest they should start talking to their kids about sex,” states Hickling, “But what I also hear from parents is ‘I want to be first.’ If you want to be first, you have to make sure you’re first; otherwise, kids will get their information and attitudes from other children and the media” (Buni). While conservative abstinence-only supporters have stated “Why on Earth would you talk to your kids about sex? Kids aren’t sexual. The information is useless to them at best. At worst, it robs them of their innocence and makes them curious about sex when they shouldn’t be. Sex is a topic for adults, not teens, and certainly not little kids” (Buni). Still, over eighty percent of high schools teach abstinence as the most effective method of safe sex (HRF) and according to the National Abstinence Education Association, there is a growing body of research that confirms that abstinence-centered education decreases sexual initiation. According to conservatives, these social conventions of refraining from sexual talk would provide young people with …show more content…

Statistics show that teenagers are having sex, especially unsafe sex. Our lack of educating children is projected when the United States has some of the highest sexually transmitted infection rates and pregnancy rates for teenagers among industrialized nations (NCBI). When this day in age a teacher can be investigated for using the word “vagina” our children may be prone to inhibit their questions, it stunts communication, and it cultivates secrets with sexual abusers. It’s time as parents we become aware of changing times and teach our children how to appropriately cope with

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