
White People In Sports

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White people did not allow black people at first in the sport activity. White people did not want to have any contact with black community. Black people were only allowed to have their own leagues. They were not allowed to be in the leagues that they had white athletes. The black people could only compete with themselves. It was very hard for black people to even have any competition with other races in that period of time. After a while when white people started noticing that black people were actually very good at sports, at first they tried to not let them compete with white people. After some time that black people compete with white people, then they were sure that black people were actually better than white people at specific sports. …show more content…

For instance in sports such as football and baseball they would give the black people only places that were not seen. For instance they were not be able to play in central roles, but only on the quarters in baseball. They wanted everyone to only focus on white athletes. Although they tried very hard to conceal the good role of black athletes in sport activities, but they were not successful and people started to realize how good black athletes were in sports. This shows that black people had to overcome many hardships in their way in the sport …show more content…

The black people were catchers and in quarterback while there were no black people holding the position of authority or being a coach. The problem is that most of the heads of these leagues and sport activities were racist at that time. The reason that most black people were about to get into sport society was that during that time they really wanted to have a good social standing and the only way that black kid could get it was through their participation in sport. It is really sad that their signing in and hiring process was different than white people. They were getting paid less and they could get fire faster than white people. Although Bill White, a Black man, was President of the National League of Professional Baseball, from April 1989 to February 1994, very few Black men have ever had the opportunity to manage baseball teams. The Chicago White Sox hired Larry Doby, one of the two earliest Black managers, in 1978, but soon he was changed and got demoted after his team lost 50 games. Unlike most of his White counterparts, he was not given a second

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