
White Privilege Analysis

Decent Essays

Unwanted Truths behind White Privilege
We live in a country that feels the urge to label every individual, group, or race however; sometimes that label does not truly represent that individual. For instance, the U.S. Census Bureau, during the 1940s classified Hispanics/ Latinos as white. In this case being labeled, as White did not benefit Hispanics/Latinos because they did not enjoy the same privileges as a White person. However, it was not until 1970 during Nixon’s administration that the academia term Hispanic was created, but it was not included in the Census until 1980. Regardless of how long it took to be included within the Census, the Hispanic/ Latino race will always live under the oppression of the superior race due to the phenomenon …show more content…

At a daily rate the disadvantage falls upon the Hispanics/ Latinos on other hand white people tend to prevail daily. It is a constant thing that makes white people naïve; an excuse the superior race chose to normalize. Take for example, the author of White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to See Correspondence through work in Women’s Studies (1988), Peggy McIntosh notes she was thought to be unconscious of white privilege and believes it is an unearned benefit that other white people avoid to recognize it. McIntosh adds that “White privilege is like an invisible knapsack of special provisions, assurances, tools, maps, guides… passports, visas…” and the most important of all the light skin color, have prevented white people to experience any necessity every Hispanic/ Latino has faced. In other words, the lighter your skin the more privileges you enjoy, such as avoiding discrimination and stereotypical …show more content…

Daily, law enforcement will stop a Hispanic/Latino for doing something “suspicious” when it is consider the norm for another ethnicity. For example, in Arizona, Hispanics/ Latinos were targets of racial profiling; they were being stopped by law enforcement to verify their legal status. In this it is necessary to point out that not a single white person lives under the constant fear of being a suspect for being at the wrong place at the wrong time because minorities such as Hispanics/ Latinos or Blacks will consider accountable of it according to Latino Policy and Issues Brief by Abel Valenzuela, Hispanic score of 0.77 under of the sub-index of criminal justice. This sub-index is composed of measuring “equality before the law and arrest” (Valenzuela). This demonstrates the inequality among the system that is meant to protect

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