
Who Am Who I Am

Decent Essays

What influences a person’s life? Is it their homes, parents, religion, or maybe where they live and how they live? What do you get an identity? I have an identity and I know when I got it too, because I will never forget these moments in my life. I live in a world where people don’t see me for me, only what they want to see or what they hear. A black man always put down by the white race, and told to shoot for the stars by the black race. I found no comfort in either race and I was put down by both races. I was the one who told myself to rise, I learned that the only person who wants you to succeed is yourself. I am nothing like my family, I am nothing like the stereotypes why people claim me to be, I am who I am.
First off I come from a …show more content…

I was actually good at the basics of being a doctor I studied I was able to dissect hearts and organs and spent a lot of time around doctors in hospitals. I thought when it comes to parents and children it was supposed to be unconditional love, but I didn’t get that because when I told her I wanted to be something other than a doctor it’s like I became dead to her. I learn that some people are just wants this and others go up to be better people. People with my kind of family experience probably will be monsters, probably wouldn’t value friends and family would be some sort of out of the norm person. A sociopath or a psychopath. However it’s the exact opposite I actually do value the people close to me such as friends and family, but the ones I call family Aunt from blood but from bonds.
Finally, I have used everything I’ve learned and experienced to finally find my purpose in life and I can absolutely say that I was made for this. I want to be a great politician, because I’m an underdog I want to make the government and its people better off. I can’t sit back and watch people get bullied by A system that they are in total control of. Elvis may be afraid to go and fight this battle, but I’m not. I’ve worked hard to reach my goal which involves being at the top of the government. He said if you want change to happen you need to start by changing yourself, but I want life to change, I want to help people who need it so we can strive for a better

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