
Who I Am I?

Decent Essays

Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there? As we go through the journey of figuring out who we are; our likes and dislikes. We find many new facts about ourselves. Figuring out who we are help us figure out where we want to go in life. As we identify the path we want to take we start to set goals, which not only affect us but also those around us. We set different types of goals for ourselves; short and long term goals. The short term goals we set help us reach our long term goal because they will help us identify how we will get where we want to go. Short term goals help us have a sense of direction of where we’re going. Although we may have it all figure out, we must identify roadblocks that will get in way of us accomplishing our goals, in order to have possible solutions on how to overcome them when they become present. The decisions we make pay a significant role of how we will get where we want to go; how fast or how slow. When we put into question, who am I? We often tend to look at the surface answer rather than looking at the deeper meaning that it has. When we start to learning more about ourselves we start to see new things in ourselves. We also learn aspect of our personality that we didn’t know were there. Throughout the process of trying to figure out where am I going? I’ve come to know who I am in a deeper form. I’ve come to the realization of what type of personality I have by taking one of many personality tests. This consisted of the two-letter:

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