
Who Is Bartleby The Scrivener

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The narrator in Melville’s short story, “Bartleby the Scrivener” is put in a tough position as he hires a new scrivener, Bartleby. I sympathize more with the narrator as he is simply trying to go about his job while Bartleby’s troubled state and disobedience proves to he a hassle. Initially, Bartleby produced extraordinary work but then slowly declined to producing nothing. Being a scrivener proved a exhausting and demanding job but when asked to look over copies Bartleby would reply that he “prefers not to”. Most bosses in the position of the narrator would simply fire Bartleby but the narrator simply stops asking Bartleby to do any work as he cares about Bartleby’s well being. When the narrator finds Bartleby living in the office he says, “My first emotions had been those of pure melancholy and sincerest pity. …show more content…

Being the kind person that he is, the narrator was ready to offer Bartleby a place in his home but Bartleby simply replied that he “preferred not to”. Therefore, in order to protect his reputation, the narrator had to move offices and Bartleby was taken to the tombs. In order to protect Bartleby the narrator left him money as well ensured he would get food in prison. I sympathize with the narrator as he was ready to care for someone who needed his help and worked to understand Bartleby’s needs throughout the story. The narrator in the story seems to be a character of good moral and works hard to be a good boss. He appears to be someone who is benevolent and acts out of self-interest to treat his employees

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